Celucan, hygiene and health of the Canary Islands

Celucan was created with the aim of providing society with products that preserve health through good hygiene practices, making the best use of the planet’s limited resources.


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Commitment to health and safety

We manufacture products and equipment for the care of healthcare professionals, as well as other professionals and patients, with a special focus on the elderly.
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Commitment to innovation

All of our manufacturing processes are subject to an R+D+i plan in order to obtain high quality products with the lowest possible energy consumption and using raw materials that do not generate environmental impact.
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Commitment to the Canary Islands industry

We are a 100% #Canarymade product, carried out by professionals from the islands, promoting local employment and avoiding the migration of local talent.


Judit Pacheco Amador

Department of Hygiene, Quality and Environment

Gemma Sánchez Sánchez

Production Department

Héctor Pardo Díaz

Commercial Department


To satisfy the hygiene and health needs of society in general and of health professionals and patients in particular, through the manufacture, marketing and sale of high quality disposable paper products, providing an item that makes a difference from the very first moment.

Mission, vision and values



We seek a balance between economic growth, environmental protection and social well-being, based on the principle that nature and the environment are not an inexhaustible source of resources and that they need to be cared for and used rationally.
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Circular economy

At Celucan, we are committed to producing more with less consumption, reducing the impact of our activity on the environment, producing quality products that are environmentally friendly and caring for the health and well-being of our customers. Our aim is to make society aware of the benefits of good resource use by producing items from biodegradable raw materials.

In the near future, the elderly will be a fundamental pillar of social and economic development. It is our mission to take care of them today and tomorrow.



To be considered as a reference

To be a leading company in the production and distribution of equipment and products in the sanitary hygiene sector through innovation, differentiation and excellence, always acting from a sustainable social commitment.
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To establish a loyal relationship with our customers, our collaborators and our work team.

We believe in a relationship with our customers based on product quality, commitment to protecting people’s health and the sustainability of the planet. We are committed to being a reference company in the promotion of the Canary Islands industry, facilitating the creation of jobs with local talent and labour.


Celucan is headquartered in its manufacturing plant located in the port of Gran Canaria, a strategic location both for the direct entry of imported raw materials and for the direct distribution of its products, reducing to zero the logistical consumption of fuel in the transfer from factory to port.
Innovation, industrialisation and development of new economic areas in Gran Canaria.
Strategic geographical location of the island for distribution in: America, Africa and Europe.
Loyal and mutually beneficial relationships with our employees, customers and suppliers.
Creation of qualified jobs.
Agreements with universities and educational centres for the training and recruitment of students specialising in scientific subjects such as laboratories or new technologies.
Commitment to health and hygiene.
“We are the hygiene of the Canary Islands”.

Foundations of sustainability



Applying safe and eco-sustainable working methods.

Sustainable management

Sustainably sourced raw materials as a driver for value creation.

Sustainable product

Circular economy
Giving a second life to the product as a lever for value creation.


People and values
Communicating our knowledge to society and being part of it.



Eco-responsible certifications.

Sustainable management

Resource management: 0% waste and sustainable forest management.

Sustainable product

Circular economy
Products with a reduced environmental footprint. Reducing climate change. Green product range.


People and values
An eco-sustainable company. Sustainable training courses: schools, colleges, universities and institutions.

Investment and development projects

Government of Spain grants co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund for outermost regions for goods transportation in the Canary Islands.
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This company has benefited from grants by the Government of Spain, co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund, for outermost regions to support goods transportation in the Canary Islands.

“A way of building Europe”

Modernisation and diversification of the industrial sector 2020. Production of hydroalcoholic wipes for human hygiene by Papeles y Celulosas de Canarias Celucan S.L.
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Project subsidised by the Regional Ministry of Tourism, Industry and Trade of the Canary Islands Government, according to Resolution No. 610 / 2020 of the Directorate General for Industry of 16 December 2020.

Subsidised amount: €250.582,50
Objective: To have a plant for the production of hydro-alcoholic wipes.
Date of award: 16/12/2020

Work with us

Celucan trains qualified workers in the industrial sector. Our company is a modern and innovative company that creates wealth in the Canary Islands. We regularly have new job offers in our factory in the port of Gran Canaria. Send us your CV for future recruitment.
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© CELUCAN Papeles y Celulosas de Canarias, S.L.